Wherein I talk about booze...
Getting interested in making mead again, for some reason. I'd probably just start with a simple hydromel, but I have some ideas for what I want to try:
- Sharp methyglin - sharp spices, like cardamom, cinnimon, nutmeg, cloves (you know, chai spices)
- Smooth methyglin - smoother spices, like vanilla, almond extract, maybe dandylion flowers, maybe carob? Chicory? Lemon balm? Maple syrup?
- Herbal methyglin - yarrow, dandylion greens, basil, lemon balm, mints, wormwood(?), hyssop, you know, the plant stuff. (NB: Herb beers)
- Medicinal methyglin - 'cause, if you're gonna take meds, take them with booze!
- Simple cyser - cider-mead. Ryan might like this.
- Some sort of melomel - dunno, just to try it. I'm not really big on berries, but they seem popular.
- Tej or something - honey and hops.
The rest are just fanciful ideas:
- Theamel - TEA! Earl grey, lady grey, vanilla russian caravan, french blend, maybe even green tea?
- Cafemel - hahaha, coffeemead! Actually, I see a recipe for orange-coffee mead, and that might be good. Also, a chocolate orange mead? Thought chocolate, I'm not sure of.
- Floramel - flowers; lavender, rose, those things that used to grow outside the house on dartmouth? Or maybe sweeter things, like dandylion flowers, meadowsweet, &c.
- Nucumel - can you make tea out of nuts, like almonds and hazelnuts?
- Simple cyser - cider-mead. Ryan might like this.
- Some sort of melomel - dunno, just to try it. I'm not really big on berries, but they seem popular.
- Tej or something - honey and hops.
I'm not really too keen on the idea of milk or chocolate meads, but they may be worth trying.
You know, you've not actually tried mead yet. You're not even sure you'll like it. Perhaps you should think about that first.
Pish and, conversely, tosh. How the hell do you think I get into all of my other obsessions?
Point. But your other obsessions might not take multiple months to brew.