Zk | 01

date: 2019-08-16 weight: 2

Koray arrives from the foyer.
Koray murmurs, "Margaras would come here, yes?"
Kuttas says, "Possible. Who's asking?"
Koray murmurs, "A bearer of bad news"
Kuttas doesn't like the sound of that.
Kuttas says, "What happened?"
Koray murmurs, "http://www.obitmichigan.com/Obituary/13660/Ryan-Abbott"
Koray murmurs, "Which is him, I believe"
Kuttas says, "Fuck."
MegaWolf blinks.
Paladin barks, "It does look like him, without the glasses."
Koray murmurs, "Sorry... I didn't mean to bring ya down"
Koray murmurs, "I just thought you should all know"
Kuttas says, "Thank you."
Vetiver blinks.
Vetiver quorks, "Gotta be kidding me."
Koray nods. "Also, http://www.furaffinity.net/user/margaras/ if you wanna say anything."
Srass says, "HOw did it happen?"
Koray waves.
MegaWolf -.- http://www.fox17online.com/news/fox17-ryan-abbott-soldier-from-grand-rapids-dies-in-washington-20120911,0,6686609.story
Koray teleports away.
Koray has left.
Paladin barks, "Well, that first web page does identify him by name. Wow, that sucks."
Himmel says, "GOddammit."
Vetiver sighs. That's unbelievable.
Vetiver quorks, "Dammit."
Himmel says, "That... fucking sucks. ._."
Cain frowns so fucking hard
Kuttas says, "I'd noticed he hadn't been around in a while..."
Srass says, "Well, he was a little more scarce of late, but..."
Zhorah rumbles, "Wait, what happened?]\"
Srass says, "He was on as recently as 9/3."
Srass says, "Margaras died."
Himmel says, "It doesn't specify."
Kuttas says, "Car wreck."
MegaWolf growls softly, "He'd only started being active again in the past few years. -.-"
Zhorah rumbles, "o.o"
Himmel says, "A car wreck?"
Himmel says, "Seriously?"
Vetiver never met him in person, but he's been a friend here for over a decade. :(
Kuttas says, "Yeah"
Cain curls up, is no ofuckingkaywith this
MegaWolf growls softly, "I"ve pretty much known him ever since I've been here"
Kuttas says, "That's what the second link said."
MegaWolf squeezes Cain tightly.
Paladin is surprised that whoever wrote the first obituary knew his online name to include it.
Duelist growls quietly, "Oh fuck."
Kuttas misses that the first time through.
Dachande. Fuck :( That's just awful.
Himmel nods.
Zhorah hmmm
Cain hides in xane
Zhorah curls around Kuttas.
MegaWolf yips
Duelist rubs the back of his head.
Dralen acks, "That's awful. Wut..."
Cain doesn't know what to think. Margs was awesome. missing doesn't even begin to describe...
Vetiver is just kind of in shock.
Srass says, "I looked up the Michigan Patriot Guard.  They sound pretty damn awesome."
Dachande. not really sure what to say about it, really lost someone good.
Vetiver hugs Dachande. :(
MegaWolf growls softly, "This is actually the first time someone close to me online has died, so I'm just... I don't know."
Dachande. hugs and holds.
Paladin barks, "We've had other furry deaths. Cyno, Furp ..."
MegaWolf growls softly, "I do wonder how many of the ones who quietly faded away are dead."
Paladin barks, "I would wager a few, Megs."
Cain nods to Xane and noses in as well.
MegaWolf growls softly, "Yeah, I'd barely even heard of Furp until he died. I guess he was really popular but I'd seen him on IRC a few times and that's it."
Vetiver knew Furp, but Margaras was much more of a presence here, so it hits harder.
Duelist growls quietly, "Yeah, Margs was a regular here."
Himmel says, "You don't know how you are?"
Dachande. says, "Yeah never knew Furp, Margs i've kown for a damn long time."
Himmel nudges Mega.
MegaWolf nips Himmel.
Srass says, "I've lost one other friend my own age, someone I knew in person, but somehow this hit harder."
Cain woofs, "it just feels unreal..."
Srass says, "Yeah, it does."
Himmel leans on Mega.
Dralen dated Cyno. Knew Margaras for years. Knew Kedri really well,
Vetiver wonders if Margaras ever met anyone from FM in person. I don't think he did. :/
Kuttas says, "I keep thinking, I wish I'd gone to Seattle in January, like I'd planned."
You yerf, "Vetiver: Rustitobuck."
Kuttas says, "Equis."
Vetiver quorks, "Oh, good."
Cain woofs, "I'm trying to reach Equis right now"
Kuttas hehs. Left voicemail... c.c
Zhorah dun know anyone from here's number
Himmel says, "I texted him."
Himmel says, "And tweeted."
Kuttas says, "Well, hell. He's gonna have a lot of messages from us, apparently..."
JanusFox yips, "Wait... wtf..."
Kuttas pets Djirin, smiling a little.
JanusFox yips, "No :("
JanusFox yips, "fuck."
Vetiver quorks, "Always thought he was a really nice guy. He seemed to be a little directionless for a few years, when he was pretty scarce around here, but joining the army seemed to change things for him."
Srass says, "He always seemed so fascinatingly enigmatic to me..."
Kuttas nods.
Srass says, "And he had one of the cooler names I ever ran across.  Sanskrit for 'hunter.'"
Kuttas says, "Heh. I didn't know that."
Srass says, "He didn't either when he first picked it out -- I forget where he said he did find it."
Kuttas says, "He's one of the only people here I was immediately comfortable with."
MegaWolf chuckles softly. "And apparently he never updated his pinfo, since about 1999..."
MegaWolf growls softly, "I'd forgotten he wasn't always lynxy"
Srass says, "His prism cat form was pretty. :)"
Himmel says, "Srass: Rudyard Kipling."
Duelist growls quietly, "Oh I got something for that. Known Margs for years....right? Whitest guy in the world, I mean, ya know, look at the pic, right? Kept me in funk-drumming rhythms forever. I mean, funk drumming. Not kidding. He gave me, like 4 funk-drumming music books."
MegaWolf growls softly, "Yus. Now I remember it."
Kuttas says, "He mentioned a while back that he thought he should update it."
Vetiver quorks, "That's about when I first met him here."
JanusFox yips, "Is that really him?  That's for sure him right?"
Vetiver quorks, "Yeah."
Duelist growls quietly, "You say enigmatic and I do not disagree, but man, that lynx was dynamic."
MegaWolf growls softly, "The birthday in his pinfo matches, too."
Himmel says, "The Michigan Obituary mentions him by name. Online."
Kuttas says, "The obituatry names him as 'Margaras'/"
JanusFox is stunned.
Vetiver thinks we all are.
Acy arrives from the foyer.
Acy barkbark.
Himmel is just... sad.
Acy nose MegaRuff; SpookyFox.
JanusFox yips, "He was too fucking nice to die :(("
Kuttas says, "Acy: http://tinyurl.com/92fgx2d"
Floid says, "It's almost like someone in training said 'this is what you're going to do with the rest of your life.'"
MegaWolf squeezes Acy real tight.
Acy says, "Wow, that's pretty fucked up.. o.o"
Kuttas says, "I'm glad he'll be buried with honors."
Himmel nods.
Eibon has left.
You yerf, "Not doing well with this, gonna sneak.  Keep being excellent.  Will stay and listen 'til I time out."
Cain hugs Makyos
Srass squeezes Makyo's shoulder.
Kuttas ruffles Makyo.
Floid whispers, "Floid extremehugs." to you.
Mundy says, "Looks like Equis got the message(s)."
Dralen nodnods, "He tweeted."
Acy snickers a little. "He drove out to Chicago not long after I broke up with my ex.  We saw Mitch Hedberg."
Acy says, "Nothing about cause of death."
Srass says, "Car crash."
JanusFox yips, "Car accident with a guard shack at 5am."
Srass points to http://www.fox17online.com/news/fox17-ryan-abbott-soldier-from-grand-rapids-dies-in-washington-20120911,0,6686609.story
Acy says, "Oh."
JanusFox yips, "Whatever that means."
Srass says, "It could be anything.  Sudden loss of consciousness, problem with his vehicle, swerving to avoid hitting something..."
Kuttas says, "http://tinyurl.com/8tgj9y7"
Srass says, "There's something gauche about putting 'more faces of meth' and 'a century of sex symbols' in a sidebar next to that article."
Acy says, "If it bleeds it leads!"
Srass says, "Fucking media."
Dachande. says, "That's local news for ya."
Dralen says deeply, "At 5am, eh? Probably fell asleep at the wheel."
Duelist growls quietly, "There is other news....it's just....strange."
JanusFox yips, "I will really, really miss that lynx."
Acy says, "Other strange news?"
Duelist - http://www.kirotv.com/news/news/soldier-killed-fiery-unexplained-crash-jblm-guard-/nR4ys/
Duelist growls quietly, "It's...the first article before names were known and such"
Duelist growls quietly, "It's just bizarre."
Kuttas says, "10 Sep, they were still investigating."
Duelist growls quietly, "This is a 6 Sep article."
Floid says, "Maybe the NSA just decided to terminate their unnecessary furry-monitoring persona."
Malkoten blinkblinks?  Margs?
Srass says, "Yeah."
Vetiver really hopes that wasn't a...deliberate crash. :(
Srass says, "Me too. o.o"
Malkoten not happy. :(
Acy says, "It very well could have been."
MegaWolf growls softly, "I don't like the first comment on that article."
Acy fallsover.
MegaWolf growls softly, "But it does make it seem more accidental"
Dachande. says, "First comment says that guard tower is easy to hit and has been before due to being poorly lit."
Kuttas says, "Jesus."
JanusFox yips, "At 4am after being on base, all he was thinking of was going home."
Duelist growls quietly, "I think he lived on base"
JanusFox yips, "Ah."
JanusFox yips, "He had access to firearms anyway... why chance it."
JanusFox yips, "Had to be an accident."
Cain woofs, "what the hell are you people talking about"
Dralen says deeply, "Margaras was killed in a car accident."
Kuttas says, "He lived in the barracks."
Cain woofs, "no, I mean the conspiracy type bs"
Cain woofs, "not the time to spin yarns"
Dachande. says, "From the video it looks to be a pretty shitty location for that building."
Kuttas says, "Most guard shacks are in bad places for a building."
Dachande. nods, "They are designed to be in the way. Bleh."
Floid says, "I just figure he would've enjoyed me keeping it weird."
Cain woofs, "yeah, well, I guess you're right... :/"
JanusFox sigh, "Fuck."
JanusFox changes a few array pointers around and ends up someplace else.
JanusFox has left.
Duelist growls quietly, "Well, we got, like 25 people here who come here regularly and each one is gonna handle something like this differently, so lets be respectful and not jump on one another."
Duelist growls quietly, "We're all gonna have a bit of a hair trigger for awhile."
Malkoten goes straight to denial *nodnods*
Vetiver snugs Malkoten.
Cain is just reallyunhappyisall
Himmel puts an arm 'round Cain.
Srass says, "You're not alone."
Kuttas says, "Heh. He -was- my MOS series. 94Y."
KurtMRufa headshakes.
Kuttas sighs.
Dralen smooches on Kuttas and cuddles him and Srass together, stroking backs and shoulders.
Srass squeezes Dralen.
Kuttas hugs Dralen and Srass.
Dachande. Huh, sunofabitch woot has a good deal on a damascan steal santoku
Dralen is extra super sleepy after an incredibly elaborate Izakaya dinner tonight. "Time for sleep, folkses."
Srass says, "Sleep well."
Kuttas says, "Rest well."
Djirin slinks to bed as well.  gooses about
Djirin has left.
Dralen says deeply, "Also, if you ever get the chance for lobster sashimi. Take it."
Dralen meeps and flees.
Dralen swishes his tail, and is gone.
Dralen has left.
Kyhwana arrives from the foyer.
Kyhwana mrps and noses Srass "What happened? :(
Vetiver quorks, "Margaras died last week."
Duelist growls quietly, "I think its time for a drink."
Kia says, "..."
Kyhwana guessed as much, what happened? :(
Srass says, "He apparently drove into an abandoned guard shack.  They're still trying to figure out why."
Kyhwana ohs "Damn.
Kyhwana curls up on Srass and whipmers
MegaWolf nuzzles Kyhwana
Srass hugs Kyhwana.
Malkoten nods, pretty much the reaction everyone is having.
Kyhwana nuzzles back.
Vetiver quorks, "Just seems unreal somehow."
Duelist growls quietly, "It does!"
Duelist got no idea what to do or say or anything.
Srass nods.
Srass says, "Duelist's right.  This does call for a drink."
Himmel says, "There's nothing to do or say."
Mundy says, "Equis is probably a dozen drinks ahead of everyone"
Kuttas says, "I know what to say. He was a damned fine man, a damned good friend, and I'm going to miss him like hell."
Vetiver nods.
Srass says, "Equis is a dozen drinks ahead of everyone on a good day."
Srass nods to Kuttas.
Himmel says, "I feel the same way. But I can't imagine anyone here -doesn't-."
Duelist growls quietly, "Yeah, but this is sucky and tragic and un-called for."
Srass nods.
Duelist growls quietly, "That's kinda the problem with a crowd like this tho, ya know a 'relatively new' population...."
Duelist growls quietly, "I mean, it's gonna be 50-60 years before we say 'awww yeah, but he was 96 years old, it was his time' kinda thing."
Srass nods.  "This was wrong.  It was far too early."
Himmel says, "It's always too early."
Kyhwana bleh, shouldn't have just chekced his logs.
Srass says, "Your logs?"
Kyhwana purrrs, "MUCK logs."
Kyhwana purrrs, "Well, technically it's a single log."
Kuttas says, "Equis just said a few minutes ago that he needed a drink now."
Himmel is going to go to bed. He's sad. He'll feel sad for a while.
Kuttas hugs Himmel. "Rest well, cat."
Himmel says, "You, too, Yena, when you do."
Himmel winks out of sight in the sparkling glow of a space/time rift.
Himmel has left.
Mundy wants to see his toothycat now. :P
Zhorah doesn't know how to feel
Duelist growls quietly, "Well, a lot of us are probably rather numb at the moment."
Kuttas will probably be grepping logs before long. Remembering what good times got recorded.
Duelist growls quietly, "Hence the whole 'I dunno what to do, say, feel' thing...."
Kyhwana does, he's sad!
MegaWolf thinks he should go to bed.
Kyhwana snugs MW
Cain is going to go sleep too. Coughing worse the later he stays up
1) Duelist  2 days ago -- Fallout IRL!
2) Makyo  Today -- Margaras
Use 'read <mesgnum>'to list a message.  Use 'read <keyword>' to list
messages with a keyword.  Use 'read -' to read the next message.
MegaWolf squeezes Kyhwana extra tight
2) Makyo  Today -- Margaras
From: Makyo  22:26:18 09/14/12 PDT

For those who do not yet know, Margaras passed away in a car accident on Sept. 6, and folks in the PN were notified Sept 14.  Here is the obituary: http://www.obitmichigan.com/Obituary/13660/Ryan-Abbott
Personal bit, please feel free to skip ---
He's one of those people that helped raise me in a way.  Not intentionally, of course, but in the way of an older friend, sort of like how I imagine an older brother helps to raise younger siblings.  Just sort of accidentally leading the way without really knowing any better.  I never had older siblings, and circumstances of my childhood and adolecense led me to seek out those who could play that role.
I don't really know what that means about me, to be honest, that I sought out such a connection in such a place.  I think I've always craved someone in that role, of course, and having leadership more ready to admit fallabilty than my parents felt...refreshing, comforting, something.  Not that everyone's ready to admit fallability, but the ability to even talk about changes in life, even if they're for the negative, really adds a lot more human-ness, a lot more personality to someone in a guiding role than either of my parents offered when I was growing up.
Anyway, I'm so glad for the time I had with him.  I'm sad now, sure, but I'll always remember him happily.  Remember singing "K A L A M A Z O Oh what a gaaaal...in Kalamazoooo" at him in high school when my choir sang that song, remember talking about music and all the day to day things in life.  There are a lot of people who fit into this role for me, and I'll be sad to see every one of them leave, no matter how they do so, but for tonight, cheers, Margaras.
All my love.

Cain noses on Xane
MegaWolf kisses Cain's nose, snouts Makyo
Kuttas hugs Makyo.
Makyo snootles folk, ahem.  REALLY goes to bed now :o)
Cain teleports away.
Cain has left.
Zhorah feels bad about memories he does have
Rigel has connected.
Rigel oopses.
Rigel winks out of sight in the sparkling glow of a space/time rift.
Rigel has left.
Malken has disconnected.
MegaWolf has disconnected.
KurtMRufa teleports away.
KurtMRufa has left.
Somewhere on the muck, KurtMRufa has disconnected.
Sturgis arrives from the foyer.
Duelist whips out his hockey stick. He 'skates' up to a sleeper, winds up and lets a slapshot go!
MegaWolf is sent home.
MegaWolf has left.
Malken raises a warding finger, and says serenly,"Do not bother, I can provide my own transportation."  He then disappears in a swirl of darkness.
Malken has left.
Acy has disconnected.
Acy has connected.
Acy urph.
Kyhwana noses Acy
Acy rubs Kyhwana behind the ears.
Kyhwana mewls
Acy has disconnected.
Duelist bedtime! G'nite all
Duelist goes home.
Duelist has left.
Sturgis winks out of sight in the sparkling glow of a space/time rift.
Sturgis has left.
Kyhwana loafs all over Srass
Srass petpets catloaf.
Kyhwana purrup
Dachande. going to go to bed as well, good night ya'll.
Dachande. teleports away.
Dachande. has left.
Zhorah has disconnected.
Vetiver goes home.
Vetiver has left.
Zhorah has connected.
Zhorah back
Zhorah has connected.
Zhorah has connected.
Zhorah has disconnected.
Zhorah has disconnected.
Kuttas' beer is being most uncooperative.
Srass says, "How so?"
Kuttas says, "Well, to start with, it's not a twist top. Then, the it broke my bottle opener. Then, the bottle opener on my leatherman wouldn't fit."
Kuttas says, "In the end, though, it turns out there's a second bottle opener on the leatherman that -does- fit."
Srass says, "That's one stubborn beer."
Srass says, "A second bottle opener...?"
Kuttas says, "Yeah."
Kuttas says, "This is the SOG folding multitool they issued me at my last duty station in the Army. Apparently, they meant business when it came to beer. c.c"
Srass says, "Damn. o.o"
Kuttas drinks to Lynx.
Malkoten rumbles, "I think that I am off to bed.  G'night folks."
Srass says, "'Night."
Kuttas says, "Good night."
Kuttas says, "Rest well."
Malkoten will do.
Malkoten winks out of sight in the sparkling glow of a space/time rift.
Malkoten has left.
Kyhwana ponders cracking a beer even though he was hung over most of today
Srass emails Kyhwana a Negra Modelo.
Kuttas faxes an Alaskan Oatmeal Stout. The long distance charges are worth it. c.c
Srass mmms, oatmeal stout. -.-
Kyhwana mmms
Kuttas hand-delivers one to Srass.
Srass oohs! :3
Singe arrives from the foyer.
Fiend Plushie bounds in after Singe.
Singe slinks, sprawls.
Srass raises a glass to departed cats, and drinks.
Kuttas raises, taps on the table, and drinks deeply.
Zhorah has disconnected.
Srass says, "I've heard it said that everybody's tastes are different."
Kuttas gives exactly 0d0+0 fucks. He likes it.
> Kuttas rolls 0d0+0 and gets for a result of 0.
Kuttas points. "That many."
Srass says, "We really don't need any more deaths around here. :-P"
Kyhwana has some weird fruit sour beer thing in the fridge.
Srass says, "Like a lambic or something?"
Kyhwana purrrs, "Except brewed here.."
Srass aahs.
Singe growls, "Margaras died? :("
Srass says, "Yeah."
Kuttas says, "Singe:  http://tinyurl.com/92fgx2d"
Singe growls, "jeez"
Singe growls, "what happened? :("
Kuttas says, "Early morning single-vehicle wreck. Collided with a building."
Singe sighs.
Singe growls, "feeling more and more lucky by the da"
Singe growls, "day"
Kyhwana didn't follow him on twitter or vice versa, so can't see his tweets :(
Srass says, "His last post on LiveJournal has a really jawdroppingly gorgeous picture in it, though."
Somewhere on the muck, Tigerwolf has disconnected.
Paladin barks, "Of himself?"
Kuttas says, "Whose?"
Srass |http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m170/margaras/Vacation-Jun2012/TwinFalls1.jpg
Srass says, "Of where he went on vacation, apparently."
Kuttas ahs.
Kuttas says, "Firefox is being retarded, trying to load it via HTTPS. This is pissing me off."
Kuttas says, "Yeah, that's a nice photo..."
Srass says, "Well.  What an unbelievably shitty way to start a weekend."
Kuttas hugs Srass and leans.
Srass hugs Kuttas.
Srass says, "Okay, I'm going to have to go to sleep, whether I like the idea or not.  Good night, gentlemen."
Kyhwana snugs Srass "Night
Srass hugs Kyhwana.
Srass steps behind a molecule.
Srass has left.
Kyhwana lifts up the rug and pushes all the sleepers under it.. he jumps on it a few times and the rug goes flat
Acy is sent home.
Acy has left.
Zhorah is sent home.
Zhorah has left.
Singe leans on Paladin.
Paladin cuddles Singe softly. "Have some pizza."
Singe growls, "saving it for tomorrow night"
Singe growls, "don't feel like sectioning olives right now"
Paladin just got some now! You can have some of his!
Singe eats.
Paladin barks, "Nom nom nom!"
Singe earperks. "someone made A Wrinkle In Time into a graphic novel. ._."
Scruff arrives from the foyer.
Scruff sneaks in
Kyhwana picks up Scruff and puts him in his lap and petpets
Scruff dangles, briefly, then nestles in against leopardtummy
Scruff halfcurls against one of Kyh's paws
Kyhwana petpets Scruff some more and sighs
Scruff mrow? What's up?
Kyhwana points at the board?
Scruff ;.;
Kuttas says, "I think I'm gonna go to bed."
Kuttas says, "Try to have a good night, friends."
Kyhwana snugs Kuttas too "Night
Kuttas hugs.
Kuttas sneakyhyenas into the shadows. c.c
Kyhwana ruffles scruff headfur
Scruff wriggles a bit closer against the leopardkitty. "It's really not fair, he was such a nice guy!"
Kyhwana nods..
Felder arrives from the foyer.
Felder whuffles to all
Kyhwana purrrs, "Hey Felder"
Felder mindsends, "Hi Kyh"
Felder flops onto a seat and sighs out
Scruff pads over to Felder, winds around his legs
Felder hugs on Scruff tight
Scruff has disconnected.
Scruff has connected.
Scruff bites his connection.
Scruff pads over to Feldy, winds around his legs
Felder hugs on Scruff again
Scruff nosebumps pn0y and leopardkitty, sneaks out for a bit. Gotta head into London for a few hours!
Scruff teleports away.
Scruff has left.
Felder winks out of sight in the sparkling glow of a space/time rift.
Felder has left.
Kyhwana erfs
Zeph arrives from the foyer.
Zeph rowr.
Kyhwana snugs Zephs
ZeitOtter arrives from the foyer.
ZeitOtter actually lives though he's been gone for nearly half a year
Kyhwana purrrs, "Hey Zeit"
ZeitOtter says, " so many new faces other than Singe. " snickers " and Mundy as well as Floid. " teases " Oldies. ""
Kyhwana noses Zeit at the board. And Zeph too.
Zeph hugs him some Kyhmew!
ZeitOtter says, " So what's been going on eh? "
Kyhwana clings to Zephs
ZeitOtter says, " Heh, lovely"
Singe rolls his eyes somehow.
Kyhwana eyes Singes eyes
Singe growls, "Margaras died. :("
Zeph mews, "Wait, what?"
Kyhwana nods
Singe growls, "I am told it was a car accident."
Kyhwana ers "Makyo's post on the board.
Zeph mrf. No more lynx.
JanusFox arrives from the foyer.
Zeph squeezes on SpookyFox.
JanusFox hugs Zeph.
ZeitOtter has disconnected.
Mundy has disconnected.

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