I slept 12 hours today, after sleeping a bunch the night before ('night' here is a relative term, since the day was rather long), but my mom finally brought out into the open a point I've been mulling over for a while: my body's rebounding after all of the caffeine I have during the day in multiple forms (tea, chai, espresso). Well.. that's kinda vague, and missing the point a bit, but she's right, I do need a bit of ground-state training.
So here's my idea. Three days of fasting starting tomorrow. Fasting from caffeine, from food, from the computer (go on, try and convince me that boundless information is conducive to a ground-state ^^), from everything except, you know, water. And air. And living. You get the point. I need to study on it a little, first, though. I'm wondering if it'd be all that great to just go straight to only water. Should I keep taking my Emer'gen-C? Or maybe just for the first and third days? Or not even that, but juice instead? I'm just hoping I can find some decent information online.
Online. Well, whatever this fast turns out to be, I'll probably, at the very least, take a break from caffeine and the computer. Also, I'll try and get a regular sleep schedule going without melatonin.
Any input would be handy. Preferably before I start. :o)
Edit: I need a bit to prepare, looking back on what I've eaten recently, so I won't be starting until Saturday