Eheh. Ehehehe. Hahaha. Heh.
Excuse me. Anyway, stuff. Finals are over and done, which is a good thing, and I passed math, which is a Good Thing. So after that, I slacked off all weekend (though I did have to go to school on friday again. I feel for ye, ), and went up to Kelleh's on sunday night. Had to sleep on the floor, so sleep I didn't, and I'm still paying for that with a sore back. Goofed around a bunch, though, and generally had a lot of fun. Met some of Moondog's friends online, and watched a bunch of movies with a couple of lesbians. The next day, I followed Moondog around, mostly, 'cause she's neat. She smoked cloves and I tried to stay awake while we talked about Samir and dogs and Fredrick and gay boys and stuff.
Also, will be dragging someone to OASOS tomorrow. Will be fun. No complete sentences. Nor verbs.
Also also, tomorrow I turn the fateful 18. Yey, voting, smoking, and porn