I ordered a tarot deck (plain old Rider Waites to start with) online. I'm not sure how things go in the way of conflicts, but I wanted a sealed one just in case, and I wanted it at a fairly reasonable price. I plan on doing a daily reading thing - draw a card, think about what it represents, and, throughout the day, keep that idea in mind - if only just to learn the cards. I'm starting to see just how tarot 'works,' along with horoscopes and the like; or, at least, how I think they'd work for me. My mom (engineer) always discounted tarot and other 'fortune telling scams' to being too general, and I mostly agreed. I guess I still do, but now I don't see that as such a bad thing. The way I see it, this general meaning/story produced by the reading of the cards isn't so much portentious as a way to help you help yourself When you look at the cards in relation to a specific question, they can help show you a new way to think about it, or perhaps think up some ways to answer the question yourself (the guide I'm reading uses the term Inner Guide, which I think fits quite well).
Motto: it's only magic if you make it so. Mind you, I didn't say anything about 'making it so' being impossible. :o)
My Deep Rooted Hatred © of Teh Rev disturbs me. I can understand not liking the man's teaching methods, or even his conversational methods, but lately I've been disliking him as a person, which is something I don't feel all that often. Recently, as in the past few years, I've tried to keep it to just things I dislike about people instead of people themselves, but each day compounds to my disrespect of the man. Mind you, it has little to do with the choirs themselves, since I like singing and he does produce a very good result.. It's just such a painful process getting there.
Tomorrow, at OASOS, we'll be watching a movie. Perfect for piles. Shall go out with Teh Moondoggie beforehand, along with Kelleh.
ESSAY, DAMNIT. I need to be working on that, instead of this. Thus, off I go.
Edit: Also...
Frosted Lucky Charms are magically delicious.
That is.. they are MALICIOUSLY DELICIOUS!!!1queue (This was purely for entertainment value. No opinions were harmed in the posting of this image.