Well, I figured I'd go pick up some headphones when I went to go get my textbook, since my nice Aiwas are on their way out (such good headphones :o/ ). I guess the campus bookstore only carries Sony and Sony clones, but I haven't had -too- much bad luck in the way of Sony, so I picked up two pairs: an inexpensive set of hi-fi studio monitor headphones and a nicer set of earbuds.
The earbuds (I keep typing earbutts for some reason) touted 'Excellent bass response', which is something that is occasionally missing from earbuds, so I figured I'd try them out. They do have excellent bass response: I can hear every step I take and every brush of my shirt against the cord. Unfortunately, Sony seems to have forgotton about the treble side of things, and violins, sopranos, and flutes are left all sounding pretty much the same.
At least the cheap monitor headphones sound reasonable. Still not quite my Aiwas, and my experience with these is either cheap wiring in the cords leading to one side going out, or cheap plastic bands that snap, leaving you with one side dangling. :o