writing fiction
Idea: The terror of a sudden addition of a new, unknowable sense.
Story of a blind-from-birth character in a solipsist world, only one, makes incense and lives a life of prayer, foraging and fishing. Some animal - marten, maybe? “He sat in the sun and was greatly warmed, and by this he had always surmised that his fur was of a particular quality that the sun was drawn to, for there were parts of his surroundings that rejected and repelled the sun.” Spend at least a few thousand words on day to day life and small challenges.
Conflict: a fae character (presence?) gives him sight - the narrator? “I gave him sight”? That makes the opening a series of observances.
Target length: 30-40k words
- Lyut(garde)
- A critter analogous to a pine marten
- Endlessly faithful
- Prays to/meditates/becomes one with Ýng god/spirit of physicality/touch/smell
- Makes incense, lives off forage and fishing
- Profoundly blind from birth
- Zita
- Lyut will make larger batches of incense once a week and leave them at the mouth of his cave before bed, then wake to find a stack of flat loaves of bread and ingredients for incense; he’s never met her, but he smells her and calls her Zita.
- Týw
- god/spirit of light and trickster
- On Lyut’s life
- On making incense
- On foraging and fishing
- On going to bed hungry and subsisting on the smoke of prayer
- On cycles, days, sun, heat
- Confounding with sight