Zk | Heh.

diary livejournal fossils

RannaFox: Bed sounds good, but coffee sounds better. yeahiwishiwas: coffee is evil yeahiwishiwas: may god have mercy on your soul. RannaFox: Ego me absolvo. yeahiwishiwas: psh RannaFox: Hey, I’m the pope, I’m allowed to do that, aren’t I? yeahiwishiwas: no sir it doesn’t work that way RannaFox: … RannaFox: Curses. RannaFox: Foiled again. yeahiwishiwas: there are some things in this world… yeahiwishiwas: that are unforgivable… RannaFox: Like drinking espresso neat? yeahiwishiwas: haha just like that, ye