Zk | Crooked Cross - a queer look at western religion


Apocrypals got me a-thinkin’. Would be nice to take a look at Western religion and spirituality particularly as it pertains to queer lives.



Textual episodes

  1. Intro
  2. The text
    • Describe basis (tradition, etc)
    • Read or summarize
  3. The history of the text
    • Textual origins
    • Authorship
    • Social context
    • Questions of translation
  4. Interpretations of the text
    • Interpretations in a queer context - what does it mean in queer lives?
    • Common interpretations in western society
  5. Effects of the text on queer lives
    • How has it been used against or in support of queer lives?
    • How have queer lives been affected by it in general?
    • How have queer lives been affected by it on personal level?
  6. Responses to the text
    • What are some common responses to the text (rebuttals, etc)?
    • Changes for the positive if possible
  7. Conclusion

Interview episodes

  1. Intro
  2. Introduce interviewee
  3. Their history with religion/spirituality
  4. Questions
    • Has your spirituality changed as you grow within your queer identity?
    • How has western religion affected your life as a queer person?
      • Positive effects: how has it benefited you?
      • Negaitve effects: have you had to work against aspects of it?
    • Have you had any specific/notable interactions with religion/religious people?
    • Is there a particular text/snippet that has stuck with you/been used in your favor/against you?
  5. Conclusion

Possible interviewees
