Zk | Umf.

Argh. I hate things being in limbo, surprisingly. As it turns out, my mom may or may not be getting laid off next month, which puts a whole lot of things in question. Of greatest impact to me, if she doesn't find a new job right away, my college plans may be altered. I might have to refile FAFSA (Of course, the due date for that at CSU was Mar. 1), get a job, etc. My mom has the money, but it's also her retirement, which means either she can't retire, or I have to help support her as soon as I start making money. In addition to that, we may end up moving to a smaller place as well.

In other news, today mostly sucked. I have a concert tonight. I shan't be gone long, we're up first, and I don't have to stay after that. Jim and Andrew want to come over for my graduation. I'm not sure how I feel about either. Jim wants to stay at my place, and I'm not sure my mom, much less I, would feel about that. Andrew might also lead to awkwardness if he stayed over, but less so, since he's done it before

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