Sure on this shining night [ʃʊr an ðɪs ʃaɪnɪŋ naɪt]
Of star made shadows round [ʌv staə˞ meɪd ʃædoʊz raʊnd]
Kindness must watch for me [kaɪndnəs mʌst watʃ foə˞ mi]
this side the ground. [ðɪs saɪd ðə gɹaʊnd]
The late year lies down the north [ðə leɪt jiə˞ laɪz daʊn ðə noə˞θ]
All is healed, [al ɪz hild]
All is health. [al ɪz hɛlθ]
High summer holds the earth. [haɪ sʌmə˞ hoʊldz ði ɜ˞θ]
Hearts all whole. [haə˞ts al hoʊl]
Sure on this shining night [ʃʊr an ðɪs ʃaɪnɪŋ naɪt]
I weep for wonder [aɪ wip fɔr wʌndə˞]
Wand'ring far alone [wandɹɪŋ far aloʊn]
Of shadows on the stars. [ʌv ʃædoʊz an ðə staə˞z
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