Zk | [no subject]

I was gonna write a big ol' thing on prom, but really it was kinda nothing special. See Ryan's post for details. After promishness, I took people home and headed over to Michael's to pass out. I felt kinda bad about not staying up later, but I was really tired, so.. oh well. We messed around some in the morning and I left kinda confused; mostly just pondering sexuality. I'm feeling really asexual lately.

In other news... I ordered some Salvia Divinorum and some Calea Zacatechichi. The first is a teaching plant, and the second is a dreaming plant. Salvia, from various accounts, seems best smoked, but I had a real hard time with it. I have a real hard time with most smoke. Thus I'm going to make a weak extract (2x-4x) to get a higher dose of the Salvinorins, and I also have a standardized 10x extract coming in the mail. That, however, will require a very good sitter as accounts attest. I'd ask Steve, but I'm not sure I can really trust him as a sitter. Maybe Ryan.. Anyway, you can look up Salvia on Erowid, but keep in mind that I'm not using it for 'tripping' as many there do. A common theme among people who have tried Salvia is that it's a very powerful teacher, and I'd like to take a lesson from it. As for Calea, it's mostly just an herb that helps with lucid dreaming. I'm going to be doing as Ryan says and take for a bit and then stop, though keep the same intent. If you have any questions about me dealing with either of these, ask, by all means. I feel I may be overexplaining things slightly to prove the point that I'm not doing anything 'recreationally,' because I really don't feel that I am, and I don't want to be accused of being a druggie; this may be obfuscating things, though, so ask if you want.

1.FIRST NAME: All I have are first names c.c Matt Joseph Scott, or Ranna. 2.WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Ranna I stole from Garth Nix's Sabriel. Ranna is the sleep bringer, the sweet, low sound that brings silence in its wake. 3. WHERE WERE YOU BORN: Denverish. Rose Medical Center. 4. WHICH FINGER IS YOUR FAVORITE? fing fing Dunno. 5. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? The night I overslept, I cried in frustration on the car-ride to school. 6. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? It's passable :o) 7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? Noooodles? o.o; 8. ANY BAD HABITS? Plenty, I'm sure. 9. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING CD ON THE SHELF? To be honest, I feel slightly embarassed that I listen to a lot of classical music. Oh well. 10.IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON, WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? Sure. 11. ARE YOU A DARE DEVEL? Nope. I like to spend months or years reading about stuff before actually trying it. 12. HAVE YOU EVER TOLD A SECRET YOU SWORE NOT TO TELL? Probably. 13. DO LOOKS MATTER? Yup, but they're not all that matters. 14. HOW DO YOU RELEASE ANGER? I whine until someone sympathizes. 15. WHERE IS YOUR SECOND HOME? Fairview x.x 17. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TOY AS A CHILD? Christmoose! It was a moose with a santa hat. 18. WHAT CLASS IN SCHOOL DO YOU THINK IS TOTALLY USELESS? My math class. The math itself is useful, but damn that class.. 19. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? Yuppo. 20. DO YOU USE SARCASM? Nooooooo 9.9 Of course I do. 21. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN A MOSH PIT? Nope ^^ 22. WHAT DO YOU LOOK FOR IN A GUY/GIRL? It's not often that I get to look in a guy/girl, though if I lost my keys or some jewelrey.. o.o; 23. WHAT ARE YOUR NICKNAMES? Ranna, Mattie. 24. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? Nope. 25. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? Tie? Shoes? I have Boulder shoes. 26. DO YOU THINK THAT YOU ARE STRONG? Yes, in some ways. 27. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR? Um.. oh dear.. I had a frozen Snickers today. Does that count? 28. SHOE SIZE? 11-12 29. WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE COLORS? Greeen and.. grayscale. 30. HOW MANY WISDOM TEETH DO YOU HAVE? None. Forcefully removed. 31. SANDBOX OR MONKEY BARS? We dug tunnels in the sandbox and climbed atop the monkeybars.
32. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE YOU SEND THIS TO, TO SEND IT BACK? Send? 33. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? Oranges & Lemons - Soramimi Keeki 34. LAST THING YOU ATE? Oh jeez.. a six hour old Quarter Pounder with Cheese, microwaved. (I was really hungry, okay? ;.;) 35. LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? Sa-Kun, briefly, and Michael before that, 36. THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX? Hello. 37.DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? No, I hate you all. I hate the entire pack, AND Sa-kun. (See #20) 38. HOW ARE YOU TODAY? Odd. Mostly. 39. FAVORITE DRINK? Buh.. not Calea tea. Um.. chocolate malt Ovaltine or honey-lemon-ginger-water. 40. FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK? It's all pretty gross, but I can do a mellow red wine. 41. FAVORITE SPORTS? I have to give Curling credit for being interesting.. other than that.. sleeping's a sport, ne? 42. HAIR COLOR? Dark brown. 43. EYE COLOR? Depends. Glammour and what I'm wearing may make it vary. 44. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? Nope. 45. SIBLINGS? No, thanks. 46. FAVORITE MONTH? May's pretty cool. 47. FAVORITE FOOD? Food. Just.. food. I like most anything. 48. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? Started watching Neverwhere. Mmm.. Gaiman.. 49. FAVORITE DAY OF THE YEAR? Today! Or Beltaine. 50. ARE YOU SHY WHEN IT COMES TO ASKING SOMEONE OUT? Goodness, yes. But I want to ask some pretty weird people out. 51. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? M-m-m-m-movies?! 52. SUMMER OR WINTER? Both! 53. HUGS OR KISSES? Both! 54. RELATIONSHIPS OR ONE NIGHT STANDS? Relationships. 55. WHO IS MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? Whoever wants to. 56. WHO IS LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND? Whoever doesn't want to. 57. HAT BOOKS ARE YOU READING NOW? Ah.. Mikhail Bulgakov - Master and Margarita, Vergil - The Aeneid (latin and english), I forget - The Labyrinth, and a few others. 58. WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? Dell / www.dell.com / support.dell.com 59. FAVORITE BOARD GAME? Cribbage? Or.. um.. some game where you use glass beads and a board with wells drilled into it, and you move the beads around. 60. WHAT DID YOU WATCH ON TV LAST NIGHT? Neverwhere. 61. FAVORITE SMELLS? Clooooves, Calea flowers, L'Occitane Amber inscense. 62. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU WAKE UP? Fuk.. beep.. what.. beeping.. g'damn.. smack alarm clock 63. SAY ONE THING NICE ABOUT THE PERSON THAT SENT THIS TO YOU: You're all a bunch of losers. I mean.. I love the lot o' ye ^^</lj-cut

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