Words for Andreal
Composition - I suppose this one's pretty obvious, since I whine about it so much. I first remember playing around with composing things back in elementary school, but it never really went anywhere until late in high school when I first started really getting into performance with choir. By that point, I was writing silly little choral songs that make me shudder now that I look back on them. Alas, I still shudder when I listen to most of my output these days. That's the point of school, though, to get better.
Mead - This started freshman year of college when I was fooling around with the idea of brewing mead, and turned into one of my primary hobbies for quite a while. I brewed quite a few decent batches, but recently, haven't done nearly as much. The problem, I think was when I got into beer and larger scale stuff. I just didn't have the patience to work with five gallons of liquid at a time, and it was much easier and faster to work with only a gallon at a time. Still, I've been thinking up batches to try out soon.
Pince-nez - I don't actually wear glasses - I just think a dapper fox would look pretty hot with the nose-pinchy glasses!
Foxy - Over the years, I've gotten stuck with the fox thing, when it comes to species. It's been agreed that that might not actually fit me the best, but that it's probably too late for any change to really stick. Alternatives seem to be otter or goat.
Dedication - While I'm flattered by this, I'm not sure how applicable it is. I feel pretty mercurial most of the time, and I often wallow in guilt when it comes to interests that I haven't touched in months or years, or people that I've just dropped :o/ Oh well, better to still be striving, I guess.
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