Zk | All-Statey goodness!

Okay, so I returned tuesday and it's saturday night, but it took a while to digest the whole thing. Anyway, here's a recount of All-State:

Sunday: Woke up at about ten, the bus left at around 11:45. The journey up was pretty uneventful, though there was a good deal of singing on the bus. One choir would be singing about Ezekiel and the wheel, another in hebrew, and a third about the devil. It was interesting, to say the least. Anyway, after we got there, we immediately had our second audition, which consisted of singing about ten measures from three of our seven songs. After that, we went to the hotel and checked in. There was a two hour rehearsal before dinner, and one after dinner. The director of the mens' choir was really, Dr. Peter Eklund. After that, there was a short concert before bed, where I didn't sleep, 'cause Michael Rodgers was so restless.

Monday: Woke up early for an eight o'clock rehearsal, and rehearsed all day long, which was actually rather fun. During the course of the day, I met really neat guy named Tim, a second tenor who's into classical music and goes to Denver School of the Arts. We hung out for most of the rest of the day, except for dinner (where the FHS kids ordered $145 of chinese food. My fortune said, "You have a special appreciation of music and the arts" Captain obvious, thank you. I'll continue breathing now). Before that, however, there was the balcony sing, which was incredibly cool. Imagine three of the world's best choirs singing in a nine story open space, and you just get a small glimpse of how cool it was. There was a dance that night, but Tim and I just wandered around and talked. We went up to the ninth floor and found out that Matt was afraid of heights.

Tuesday: This was concert day, so we ended up getting up at six, eating breakfast, and were on stage by eight. We rehearsed until 11:30, then lunch, then our first concert was at 2. It went very well; the other choirs got to watch us, and the womens' choir freaked out, screaming and melting and such. There was a bit more rehearsal, then dinner, then the final concert at 7:30. My mom showed up, and my dad forgot. Oh well. All in all, it was pretty much the most incredible thing that's happened to me. ^.^

Some songs of note from All-State: Du Bist Die Ruh - Schubert, Arr. Eklund (mens) El Yivneh Hagalil - Sozio (mens) Daemon Irrepit Callidus - Orban (mixed) Sleep - Whitacre (mixed)

Tomorrow: Ryan, Wendy, Kiran, Andrew, Shannon, and maybe Tyler are all gonna come over and watch anime (Yami no Matsuei, Excel Saga, FLCL, maybe Trigun). The pack (Me, Ryan, Andrew, and Wendy) will most likely pile and make the others feel awkward. They're welcome to join if they want :o

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