Babylonia's down, probably for the weekend. Fucky.
Anyway, got some ideas for indexing my site with graphs using dot or neato (though probably dot, since not all links are bidirectional. This, however, would be trivial to fix once the origional graph is made. Once a file is added or edited, a revision program could be run to put a 'pages that link to this page' section in the document). Also thinking about adding a Rampancy .dme.
The Syntax highlighter is coming along fine. Or.. it was until babylonia went down. The problem is that I'm using Parse::RecDescent's version of BNF for the syntax files, and that mows right through \n's, so it's turning into a sort of 'tidy' program that indents and spaces everything nicely. Maybe. It also works as a validator, either highlighting in red(reversevid()) or not highlighting at all anything that doesn't match a rule. Here's a syntax file, even though you won't be able to see until babylonia gets back up.
I miss Andrew