Quizishness The \\\\Last Cigarette:A Djarum Black, months ago (barfalicious c.c)Last Alcoholic Drink:I have an alcohol based tincture.. but champagne at my grad party thing.Last Car Ride:Back from the movie a bit ago.Last Kiss:Moondoggy, yesterday.Last Good Cry:I don't keep track.Last Library Book:Lie... briar.. eeeeee? Um.. a book on Gay Rights for a speech.Last book bought:Um.. hmm.. Last Book Read:Finished: The Five People You Meet in Heaven; Working on: HyperionLast Movie Seen in Theatres:Spiderman 2Last Movie Rented:DreamcatcherLast Cuss Word Uttered:Fuck..?Last Beverage Drank:Desert tea.Last Food Consumed:Soft pretzel with cheese.Last Crush:I have several at once. No, I won't list them.Last Phone Call:Georgiana called for my mom..?Last TV Show Watched:Tee... veee?Last Time Showered:Heh. Heh. Heh.Last Shoes Worn:My Boulder shoes.Last CD Played:Festival 02-03Last Item Bought:By me? A ginger beer at Penny Lane.Last Download:Some sheet music PDFs..Last Annoyance:Not remembering the last book I bought.Last Disappointment:Insurance agencies.Last Soda Drank:Last night, ginger beer.Last Thing Written:Last night, ginger beer.Last Key Used:.Last Words Spoken:'Wake up in the moonlight singing..' (I'm singing along c.c)Last Sleep:Last night.Last Ice Cream Eaten:Last night.Last Chair Sat In:This one!!Last Webpage Visited:GRAGGGHHHH!! THIS SHOULD BE OBVIOUS!425Create a survey!