I picked up the rest of my christmas presents today (read: I spent some of the money I got on things I really want).
My bounty:
- Asian Seafood Market:
- 1 container Hot'N Spicy Teriyaki Nori
- 10 8g packs Vanilla Flavour Sugar
- 1 0.7 fl oz. bottle of Rose essence
- 1 1 fl oz. bottle Durian Flavoring (I swear, I picked it up and forgot to put it back.. oh well, I'll find a use)
- 1 5 fl oz. bottle Iris Water
- 1 5-pack bag of taiyaki :o9 (note: now a 4-pack ^.^)
- Whole Foods:
- 1 (more) gallon jug of Gravenstein apple juice (it's tasty ;.;)
- 4 reasonably priced 375ml swingtop bottles of Grade-A maple syrup (I have plans.. oh what plans I have!)
- 1 3-pack Red Star baking yeast (Joe Matolli's fault)
- King Soopers:
- 2 80 fl oz. jugs Madhava mountain wildflower honey
- 2 12 fl oz. jars Kroger Pivate Selection buckwheat honey
- 1 Sooper Card (I broke down and got one ;.; At least creamer will be cheaper now)