Zk | So!

Just watched Supersize Me and was absolutely disgusted. Just.. gross. In fact, it disgusted me enough that I'm really, really tempted to try an experiment in January: not eat out at all.

I'm wondering if I can pull it off - everything would have to be made at home, and I could take it to silly little extremes to make it a little more entertaining:

I'd have to pick up a couple of things just to help myself out. Pasta rollers, ingredients, dish soap and dishwasher detergent, stuff like that. Some more tupperware, sandwich baggies, and plastic wrap would help, too. I can probably borrow my mom's pasta rollers, which would be the biggest expense, but does anybody want to 'sponsor' me with some of the other things? Already got a bunch of food from James. :3

Also, if this just plain uninteresting, I'll leave it out of here

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