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<h1>Zk | Fffxk</h1>
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<p><span class="tag">diary</span> <span class="tag">livejournal</span> <span class="tag">fossils</span></p>
<p>I burned the heel of my right palm on the cast iron skillet making steak for myself tonight. I never realized how much that part of my hand moves when I type, especially reaching for the backspace and shift keys until now x.x Oh well, I&rsquo;m keeping a frozen lump of emu close by so that I can palm it every now and then. The good news is that there are two shift keys and the right shift key on this laptop is going out, so I&rsquo;ve been using the left more and more. The bad news is that I almost always use the right shift anyway, since that&rsquo;s what I use normally, only correcting myself after the fact.</p>
<p>Stupid foxes.</p>
<p>Anyway, still writing tonight, pain or no. I finished `chapter&rsquo; fifteen earlier today, which means I&rsquo;m done with the transition section. On to the second theme, which might be a whole lot more difficult to write. I&rsquo;m finding that I&rsquo;m starting to care about my characters&rsquo; relationship a lot, which.. well, I shan&rsquo;t spoil the rest of the book :o</p>
<p>Page generated on 2008-11-07 03:33:32</p>
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