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<h1>Zk | Hmm.</h1>
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<p><span class="tag">diary</span> <span class="tag">livejournal</span> <span class="tag">fossils</span></p>
<p>Lately, I&rsquo;ve found my self liking this one girl (who shall go unnamed for the moment) as well as this one guy (who&rsquo;s name you already know.. if you&rsquo;re me!!two Ahahaha.. er.. Kory). Now, this isn&rsquo;t a very big problem for me (well, it was, but I have my ways of justification [the current is &ldquo;I work on a case by case basis&rdquo;]), but it might be moreso for some folk around me. I&rsquo;ve been calling myself gay for all of my high school career, and people have all of their own little conceptions about sexuality, and I think this might damage some of those. It certainly damaged mine for a while. Anyway, I think I&rsquo;ll just keep publicly obsessing over Kory while having a little private obsession over Ms. Unnamed on the side.</p>
<p>Mind you, due to something freaky, none of this really has to do with sex. Sex is mighty cool, yes, but recently I&rsquo;ve had no desire to actually.. partake in it. After a few incidences of people getting rather close to me, I&rsquo;ve found that I&rsquo;m rather.. uh.. well, lets just say that I&rsquo;ve fucked myself over for a little bit by doing the online thing for so long and not learning how to interact with people in the Real World(tm). When a situation starts getting close, I freak out, and that&rsquo;s not exactly wonderful, because not everyone has buried their physical desires under a layer of words ^.^ So, I have little to no desire to make the beast with two backs with Kory, and almost no desire to do the horizontal bop with Ms. No-name. Maybe I still fit the rei populorum definition of gay</p>
<p>Page generated on 2004-01-23 05:33:17</p>
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