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<h1>Zk | Fffff.. damn musicians...</h1>
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<p><span class="tag">diary</span> <span class="tag">livejournal</span> <span class="tag">fossils</span></p>
<p>Damnit. More delays on the major front. For those who don&rsquo;t know, I&rsquo;ve been trying to switch from Music Education to Music Composition, so that I can, you know, not have to work in public schools. I&rsquo;ve been working with Dr. Forest Greenough - taking composition lessons and working to get into the program - even though the composition professor and department head is Dr. Wohl. Forest seemed pretty confident that, when I submitted my composition portfolio a month and change ago that I would make it into the composition program with no problem, even if I wound up staying in school for an extra year taking just composition studio and an ensemble, while working 30-35 hours a week to pay for school.</p>
<p>Well, I met with Dr. Wohl today in order to see what all I could be doing. I was surprised to hear that, not only had he not seen my portfolio, but wasn&rsquo;t really interested in it. Rather, he said that, due to funding, the composition program was there in name only, and there weren&rsquo;t any students in that major (which is curious, since Elliott Fiedler just graduated with his composition degree in May). Well, okay. I can deal. Instead, I figured I&rsquo;d just take composition lessons with Dr. Wohl, what with Forest being way too busy this semester to fit me in. $60/hr isn&rsquo;t that bad, and maybe I can keep taking the lessons after I graduate with my plain-jane BA in music, since it&rsquo;s not done through the university. After getting all this sorted out, I headed back to the music building.</p>
<p>While there, I ran into Forest and told him about what happened. He was shocked - to his knowledge, the composition program was still there, and I <em>should</em> be in it. Apparently, my portfolio disappeared and the head of the program decided that, while I&rsquo;d still learn composition, I wouldn&rsquo;t get the degree, and that I&rsquo;d be paying him directly out of pocket with money that may or may not be taxable. Huh. Strange. Both Forest and I were rushing to get somewhere else, so we didn&rsquo;t discuss that in full, so I&rsquo;m waiting on a reply to a lengthly email I sent him to see what all I should do. I&rsquo;d really rather feel much better going through the university - not only would the degree help with several schools with MA programs in composition (I&rsquo;ve been told that some just see a BA-Music as a BA-Music, but I&rsquo;m not sure), but I&rsquo;d really rather be able to see where my money&rsquo;s going. Not to mention the fact that that would let me stay in choir for a while longer :o</p>
<p>Page generated on 2007-09-11 21:38:26</p>
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