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<h1>Zk | Wai.</h1>
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<p><span class="tag">diary</span> <span class="tag">livejournal</span> <span class="tag">fossils</span></p>
<p>Okay, so I&rsquo;m a bit of a hypocrite, but Still(tm), Kiran hasn&rsquo;t posted in for. ev. er. My excuse is a mixture of: too busy, and the stuff I&rsquo;ve been doing doesn&rsquo;t seem worth writing about. Except for the rampant buttsecks. Oh wait, there hasn&rsquo;t been any. I suppose I should update for real.</p>
This has a potential to end poorly, but, as Ryan points out, so does most everything, agagaga. He&rsquo;s a born-again devout catholic (my roommate, not Ryan), and I&rsquo;m a big ol&rsquo; flamey faggot. So.. yeah, but he&rsquo;s not around all that often, so LON takes over my room. Except for during the buttsex.</p>
There&rsquo;s this kid, see, and his name is Lon, right? Yeah. He&rsquo;s this kid, right, right, okay, so he&rsquo;s this kid on my hall. And he&rsquo;s blonde.</p>
<p>Teh Trhee Furrehs:
There have been some damn funny moments, and a few bones of contention, which have been cleared up, and some snot dressing on Ryan&rsquo;s salad. Um.. so, yeah. Wargh c.c</p>
Okay, but we need to get past this goddamned review part. That or people really didn&rsquo;t learn that much in highschool and Fairview was somehow exceptional.</p>
<p>I&rsquo;m sorry, I think I&rsquo;ve lost my journalling knack</p>
<p>Page generated on 2004-09-01 10:58:54</p>
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