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<h1>Zk | My first sermon.</h1>
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<p><span class="tag">diary</span> <span class="tag">livejournal</span> <span class="tag">fossils</span></p>
<p><strong>On the milking of Chaos.</strong>
Setting Orange, the 66th day of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3168</p>
<p><em>Behold, among a field of chaos, the chao that stands out the most is the one
that is not there.</em>
Ovaltine 5:23</p>
<p>There is no limit to the milking of chaos among men. </p>
<p>Well, there is one, and that one is that no man can milk the mu-Chao. Only
Her Rather-holy Holiness Eris may milk such a chao, for the mu-Chao is the
chao of NO-THING.</p>
<p>Each man may milk - no, has to milk - at least one small chao in his life
time; there is no way for human beans to NOT do such a thing. Milking the
mu-Chao isn&rsquo;t possible because simply by their mere existence, men create
chaos among the world, and, as much as they strive against this fact, there&rsquo;s
not a thing they can do about it.</p>
<p>Eris just skips over the rule of existence gaily and goes about milking as she
<p>It is said that once, when a great Discordian was asked if he had seen the
mu-Chao, he thought for a second before replying: &ldquo;Yes, but not with my own
eyes.&rdquo; The questioner remained unenlightened because he was stoned at the
time, but mostly because he was stupid.</p>
<p>To this day, I&rsquo;m still not sure what I&rsquo;m talking about. Thank you</p>
<p>Page generated on 2002-10-12 15:28:00</p>
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