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<h1>Zk | 2015-04-06-dogfooding-1</h1>
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<p>type: post
date: 2015-04-06
slug: dogfooding-1
title: Dogfooding - Pt. 1</p>
<hr />
<p>I work for <a href="http://canonical.com">Canonical, Ltd</a>, a company focused primarily
on open source software, best known for their operating system,
<a href="http://ubuntu.com">Ubuntu</a>, a distribution of Linux focused on both the ease of
desktop use, as well as a seamless experience across desktop, server, mobile,
and TV. That's not all that we make, though, and our umbrella of products and
services stretches across several sectors of the software market.</p>
<p>I am on the Juju UI team. <a href="http://jujucharms.com">Juju</a> is a dev-ops solution
that allows packaging server software into Juju Charms, which act as biased
installations of software that are built by people who know how that software
can best be deployed. For instance, the <a href="https://jujucharms.com/wordpress/">Wordpress
charm</a> encapsulates an installation of
Wordpress, just as the <a href="https://jujucharms.com/mysql/">MySQL charm</a> packages an
installation of MySQL, such that, if you have a Juju environment up and running,
you can simply run:</p>
<p>{% highlight bash %}
juju deploy wordpress
juju deploy mysql
juju add-relation wordpress mysql
juju expose wordpress
{% endhighlight %}</p>
<p>and wind up with a proper installation of Wordpress talking to a proper
installation of MySQL in the cloud of your choice.</p>
<p>I work on more than just the projects I have at Canonical, however. I've bought
wholeheartedly into both the ethos and implementation of open source software,
and so I work on releasing as much of my own free-time projects as open source
as possible. Lately, the project that has been taking up much of my weekends
and evenings has been an exploration of <a href="http://golang.org">Go</a>, a programming
language by Google with a focus on simplicity and concurrency. I chose this
language for this task because Juju itself, along with many of its tools, are
written in Go.</p>
<p>The project I've been working on,
<a href="https://github.com/warren-community/warren">Warren</a>, is a pretty simple bit of
web software that allows publishing of entities of various types - from blog
posts to pictures and so on - and linking of those entities into a web of
content. Or, rather, those are my hopes for it; it's still in its early stages.
I've learned a lot about Go, many Go web utilities such as
<a href="http://martini.codegangsta.io/">Martini</a>,
<a href="https://github.com/codegangsta/gin">Gin</a>, and
<a href="http://www.gorillatoolkit.org/">Gorilla</a>, testing in Go using
<a href="http://goconvey.co/">GoConvey</a>, as well as the services that back Warren up
such as Mongo and ElasticSearch.</p>
<p>Writing a web app such as this, it was a natural solution to charm Warren so
that I could manage it, along with its backing services, in a scalable fashion
on any of the clouds that Juju supports.</p>
<h2 id="what-i-did">What I Did</h2>
<p>The work that I've done to date consists of two parts beyond Warren itself: the
<a href="https://github.com/warren-community/warren-charm">Warren charm</a> and the <a href="https://github.com/warren-community/warren-bundle">Warren
bundle</a>. Whereas charms
describe the way in which a singal service is deployed, bundles are groups of
charms that work together as a group of services providing a particular
functionality. For instance, the Warren bundle includes Warren, Mongo,
ElasticSearch, and haproxy for load balancing.</p>
<h3 id="the-warren-charm">The Warren charm</h3>
<p>I went with the idea of a "thin" charm. This means that the charm itself does
not contain any of the source code or binaries required for building Warren
itself. This is as opposed to "thick" (sometimes referred to as "fat") charms,
which contain a binary, a zip of source code, or some other means of deploying
the service without reaching out to some external location. There are a few
advantages and disadvantages to each:</p>
<h4 id="thin-charms">Thin charms</h4>
<li>Change to the code of the services does not mean change to the code of the
<li>Charms are much smaller, and thus are uploaded to the environment fairly
<li>Services will require access to wherever the source or binary to be
deployed. In Warren, that's the GitHub repository, but it may be a PPA or
other source of packages. In some clouds, access such as this may be
heavily restricted.</li>
<li>Since the code must be fetched, potentially built, and then installed,
some of the speed gains for not having to upload the charm are lost.</li>
<h4 id="thick-charms">Thick charms</h4>
<li>You can be guaranteed that the code that is in the charm is the only code
that will be deployed in the service without having to use any
work-arounds for pinning fetched source at a revision or tag.</li>
<li>Deployment is usually fairly easy and fast, since you don't have to worry
about fetching source and building, and since no external sources are
required, you can safely deploy behind a strict firewall.</li>
<li>Thick charms are rather large and may take a bit of time to actually
deploy, since the charm will need to be uploaded to the environment either
from your local machine or from the charmstore.</li>
<li>Changes in your codebase will not show up when a new charm is deployed,
since the code exists at one particular revision - this means that
emergency bug fixes in your code mean an emergency charm release
containing that fix, and a charm upgrade.</li>
<p>For Warren, I went with a thin charm for a few reasons:</p>
<li>I live in the mountains, where Internet connectivity is limited to microwave
line-of-sight of okay-but-not-great speeds. I didn't want to have to
re-upload the charm to EC2 every time I made a fix to it (charm developing
being a particularly iterative process). Once the charm winds up in the
store, should it wind up there, this will not be as much of a concern.</li>
<li>I want to iterate fairly quickly on Warren, if it winds up going somewhere. I
want to be able to iterate on Warren much more than I want to be able to
iterate on the Warren charm, however, so I'd rather spend an initial
investment allowing a means of upgrading the Warren source in a deployed
instance of Warren through a configuration change (more on this later) than
have a repeated time sink involved in building a new version of the charm.</li>
<p>In the end, the wins that thick charms get me are outweighed by the wins
involved in thin charms.</p>
<h3 id="the-warren-bundle">The Warren bundle</h3>
<p><img alt="Warren in the Juju GUI" src="/assets/tech/dogfooding-1.png" /></p>
<p>The Juju GUI is the project that I have spent the most time with during my time
at Canonical. I started out on the GUI, and continue to contribute to it even
as focus has shifted to other aspects of the various user interfaces to Juju.
One of the things that I like about it is that it's really easy to see just how
your entire environment works and fits together. In the instance above, you can
see haproxy exposed, which leads to Warren, which depends on Mongo and
ElasticSearch. There's a flow of traffic indicated in the diagram - a request
to the exposed bit, which is proxied to Warren, which may make a request of
either Mongo, ElasticSearch, or both.</p>
<p>Another benefit of the Juju GUI is that it allows you to export the current
environment in the format of a <a href="https://jujucharms.com/docs/1.20/charms-bundles">Juju
bundle</a>, which is a repeatable
representation of an environment. These bundles can then be reimported with the
GUI or with another of our tools, Juju Quickstart, which allows building and
managing Juju environments from the command line.</p>
<p>In this case, I created and exported my Warren bundle, but am not yet able to
utilize it. This is because the Warren charm does not yet live in the Juju
charmstore - it's only deployed locally - and bundles do not support local
charms yet. For now, though, I'm happy to have the bundle here as a reference
to use when deploying Warren to a cloud.</p>
<h2 id="the-good">The Good</h2>
<p>My list of good things from this post will probably just read about the
advantages of using Juju. Once I had the charm up and running, it was
astoundingly easy to repeat the process: simply <code>juju deploy
local:trusty/warren-charm</code> from my charm repository. I have to say, there's no
beating that. In the past, I've deployed and managed just about every one of my
projects by hand, and the lack of repeatability led to a ton of external cruft.
Deployment checklists, extended QA times, slower iterations, and so on. I think
that Juju helps alleviate all of these to some extent.</p>
<p>Additionally, in writing and testing the charm, I found all of the weak spots in
my code that weren't evident from a development environment. For instance, I
had relied on several hacks and shortcuts supplied by the libraries I was using
which, while they looked elegant, were not good solutions for a repeatable
testing environment or a production environment. For instance, I relied on
defaults for hosting static files and templates. While this made my code look
clean and simple, it was not repeatable because there were no guarantees where
those assets would be stored. Once I charmed Warren, that became evident, and I
found ways to create a robust means of dealing with these problems that was both
elegant, and non-magical.</p>
<h2 id="the-bad">The Bad</h2>
<p>I found the documentation around the python Charm Helpers, a package used for
building and supporting charms, to be quite lacking. It feels as though new
features were implemented in code while the documentation had not yet been fully
written; what docs are there read as though the user should already understand
how to use the package.</p>
<p>As a developer, I'm well aware of this pattern, and definitely guilty of it
myself. Even so, I was left spinning my wheels for days as I tried to charm up
Warren. I've helped with the charming of several different packages that we use
within the company, but none of them use the new, undocumented features of charm
<p>In the end, I wound up working off the old style of creating a python based
charm - that is, rather than utilizing the <a href="http://pythonhosted.org/charmhelpers/examples/services.html">service
framework</a> included
with charm helpers, I created methods that were decorated as hooks, which were
called simply whenever one of those hooks was fired. This is the style I've
most commonly seen in the charms hosted in the charmstore, and while it does
work, I get the impression that this newer services framework is much more
elegant and easy to use. Easy to use once, that is, you understand <em>how</em>.</p>
<p>It just so happens, though, that the task that I've given myself over the next
few months of free-project time at work is to help improve the documentation of
the products and services that we have, whether that's code-side in the form of
docstrings, wider documentation included with the projects, tutorials, or
videos. Indeed, that's much of the purpose behind these dogfooding posts! So
I'll be working just has hard as the other teams, I hope, to help document Juju
and how it can be used for managing cloud deployments.</p>
<h2 id="whats-next">What's next</h2>
<p>Next, I'd like to talk about more specifics about how the Warren charm works and
the services with which it's deployed. I hope to make this at least a short
series, if not an account of my ongoing adventures with dogfooding Juju for my
own purposes.</p>
<p>Page generated on 2020-04-24</p>