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<h1>Zk | As the thot plickens..</h1>
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<p><span class="tag">diary</span> <span class="tag">livejournal</span> <span class="tag">fossils</span></p>
<p>Things are as they were cautiously assumed (damn you, <lj user="breakfastfox"></lj> and your assumptions). This, however, took a vicious few hours of tickling and snuggling at Kelly&rsquo;s, which only served to reenforce the point. I sensed a tiny conspiracy (conspiriature? conspirette?) between Moondog and Samir (not sure about Kelly, though I guess we had our own, after she bugged me last night), but I&rsquo;m not going to bother myself with it. Now, however, I&rsquo;m confused, and this is leading to consternation. Confused and afraid. Moondog&rsquo;s such a beautiful person, and I&rsquo;m so.. awkward - at least now, I am, after the whole thing with Shan and the other relationships before him - and I don&rsquo;t want her to be hurt by that, or by any other dumb things I do, such as pull a Matt (which is a story for another time). For people well versed in the ways of relationships, I guess this wouldn&rsquo;t be a problem, but I&rsquo;m having a hard time thinking of how to bring it up to Moondog without out and out appologizing for being a dweeb. I must think, and we must talk more, but I surrender unto sleep</p>
<p>Page generated on 2004-02-12 23:21:26</p>
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