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<h1>Zk | .</h1>
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<p><span class="tag">diary</span> <span class="tag">livejournal</span> <span class="tag">fossils</span></p>
<p>This song makes me see an orange sunset from a bright red sun, from the point of view of an aircraft of some sort, miles above the earth, somehow disconnected from the scene, yet every bit an integral part.
<em>Music is our religion.</em>
What else can make us see?
<em>Our eyes.</em>
Shut up. I wish that I could express this to some people. Others just understand, and others just don&rsquo;t need to know. It&rsquo;s just that the musical/emotional/situational memory is such a wonderful thing. Also, when I listen to this song, I&rsquo;m reminded of reading <u>Endymion</u> at 3am here at school, then walking out on the oval. When I listen to Tallis&rsquo; Spem in Alium, I&rsquo;m in the basement of my old house in my bed at 10am watching the light on my walls. When I listen to Vaughn Williams&rsquo; Fantasia on a Theme by Tallis, I&rsquo;m reading <u>Hyperion</u> for the first time in my room at the old townhouse uphill from Fairview, thinking how the wind makes me feel like I&rsquo;m flying.
<em>What reminds you of me?</em>
A clip of opera from.. uh.. Half Life? Counter Strike? Some game. I got it from Ryan.
<em>How sweet.</em></p>
<p>So you didn&rsquo;t disappear?
<em>No. We have become one.</em>
So I&rsquo;m talking to myself?
<em>Hmm.. I believe the word I&rsquo;m looking for is.. &lsquo;duh&rsquo;.&lt;/em</p>
<p>Page generated on 2005-05-12 07:40:12</p>
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