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<h1>Zk | Mwelp.</h1>
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<p><span class="tag">diary</span> <span class="tag">livejournal</span> <span class="tag">fossils</span></p>
<p>I asked a question of the cards and the stones last night. It was kinda depressing, but I feel like I&rsquo;m already starting to fulfill. That made me incredibly sad, and now I&rsquo;m clinging to a dream, a fading emotion that was once so prevalent as to take over all other thoughts and burn pink and red in the right side of my brain. If I&rsquo;m letting go of something that gripped me so tightly, would I do something just as quick if not quicker to other emotions?
<em>Remember, you once proclaimed that you attained enlightenment, that it took two hours of quiet time in bed</em>
I remember freaking Rynden out with that. I told him I loved him.
<em>Do you?</em>
I&hellip; it is difficult to speak. I do, I suppose.
<em>Well, then.</em>
I&rsquo;m lost.
<em>Just remember that lancing white light</em>
Will it help me find my way?
<em>No, but it sure as hell feels good.
Or maybe that is the way.</em>
I need a job.
<em>Can&rsquo;t help ya there.</em>
<small>Please forgive these conversations with my <em>Ally</em>. If they get annoying, I&rsquo;ll make them private, but they really are helping me out, and they&rsquo;re kinda fun to read. For me at least.&lt;/small</p>
<p>Page generated on 2004-06-07 01:19:29</p>
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