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<h1>Zk | index</h1>
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<p>Story about Hammered Silver losing her shit and cutting out the fifth stanza for good because of Sasha and Motes</p>
<h2 id="vague-outline">vague outline</h2>
<li>AFP and HS have regular meetings until Abt 2300</li>
<li>As Motes gets more public HS starts skipping meetings, eventually says &ldquo;I don&rsquo;t agree with Motes and I don&rsquo;t want to talk about it&rdquo;</li>
<li>her feelings are that there are children and there are adults, that this is what makes a mother a mother to someone, but Motes is her, so she can&rsquo;t be a child; she&rsquo;s appropriating child-ness. Add in the family dynamic with AFP and Bee, including their relationship, and HS is really fucking mad</li>
<li>meetings go from friendly chats to all but explicitly keeping tabs on the other stanza</li>
<li>HS cuts contact with fifth over Sasha joining ALDR</li>
<li>when Dry Grass continues seeing Motes (who she met via Warmth, worked with it on systech integration for oneirotecture), HS sends Motes an angry letter Abt &ldquo;stop talking to Dry Grass, you&rsquo;re an abomination etc etc&rdquo; all HOA president having a fit</li>
<li>Motes goes to AFP and Beholden with note: not going to stop talking to Dry Grass, not going to stop being herself, but wants to know how to deal with the pain.</li>
<li>HS also sends AFP a note</li>
<li>AFP wants to be careful because this is a post True Name, post Qoheleth world, asks Sasha and Dry Grass if she needs to worry, both say no, confirmed by Waking World, who explains that HS is just having a tantrum. She doesn&rsquo;t really care if anything changes, she doesn&rsquo;t even want it to, she doesn&rsquo;t want to win an argument, really, she just wants the other person to hurt</li>
<li>AFP messages HS, saying &ldquo;that really hurt Motes and it really hurt me etc etc&rdquo;, letting it get to her enough to make it believable</li>
<li>HS, as predicted, gets all snooty and proud, agrees to go back to no contact, leaving Motes alone, etc. Cuts off Dry Grass who thinks &ldquo;eh, no big loss there&rdquo;</li>
<li>end on a note of healing</li>
<h2 id="loose-threads">loose threads</h2>
<li>The dynamic between Dry Grass and HS is very &ldquo;uh huh sure okay whatever you say&rdquo; but doesn&rsquo;t actually change anything; does this finally change after the argument?</li>
<li>Waking World has made it his job to keep HS on a leash; maybe a second conversation after? The first conversation through Dry Grass (&ldquo;oh yeah, WW says HS can&rsquo;t do shit, she&rsquo;s just looking to make you feel bad&rdquo;)</li>
<h2 id="outline">Outline</h2>
<li class="done2"> <a href="001.html">Intro</a> &mdash; About Motes; Motes paints; Beholden and boss are heading out; Dry Grass comes over</li>
<li class="done1"> <a href="002.html">Sasha speaks</a> &mdash; Motes talks with Sasha about what happened.</li>
<p>Page generated on 2023-12-26</p>
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