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<h1>Zk | [no subject]</h1>
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<p><span class="tag">diary</span> <span class="tag">livejournal</span> <span class="tag">fossils</span></p>
<p>Just sent Ryan+Merry+kids+dog on their way. It was really nice seeing the couple again and getting to meet the kids. I think I&rsquo;m pretty okay with being &lsquo;Uncle Matt&rsquo; for a while :o) Should give me some time to work through some personal issues now, though. On the relationship front, I&rsquo;ve got a whole host of defense mechanisms cropping up that I need to be careful of; I&rsquo;m trying not to rebound on anyone too much and doing my level best to not place blame where it doesn&rsquo;t belong. Also really need to not get all overwhelmed in it all - I still have a degree to finish, hopefully in one school year, and a company to start, not to mention several thousand dollars of debt to pay off. </p>
<p>Hard to &lsquo;just be positive&rsquo; on two hours of sleep, I guess :o</p>
<p>Page generated on 2008-06-01 00:34:45</p>
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