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<title>Zk | Blurgh.</title>
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<h1>Zk | Blurgh.</h1>
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<p><span class="tag">diary</span> <span class="tag">livejournal</span> <span class="tag">fossils</span></p>
<p>Still alive, promise. Still eating in for the most part, though I&rsquo;ve had a few little excursions here and there. I&rsquo;ve even been making some interesting stuff, but.. dunno, just fell out of posting. Maybe when I&rsquo;m done, I&rsquo;ll compile a few recipes and pictures of neat stuff. I&rsquo;ve been feeling better for eating in, too, since I use so little oil, grease, and fat (makes me wonder if I have some sort of gall bladder problem c.c).</p>
<p>Work&rsquo;s been going well enough. I&rsquo;ve been doing a lot of scripting and such for the public machines. VB Script still sucks, but WMI and ADSI are alright. They&rsquo;re certainly good ideas, if implemented a little awkwardly (it IS Microsoft, after all). I&rsquo;m trying for a lateral shift of some sort, so that I&rsquo;d be working under both R&amp;D and Tech Support. I&rsquo;d be doing all that I&rsquo;m doing now, plus a little PHP maintenance, and I&rsquo;d get a small raise. Got my resume all prepped for that.</p>
<p>Other than that.. uh.. dunno. I suck at this blogging thing, I guess</p>
<p>Page generated on 2009-01-13 17:59:49</p>
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