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<h1>Zk | 002</h1>
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<h1 id="ioan-balan-2325">Ioan Balan — 2325</h1>
<p>Ioan and May Then My Name let the intoxication of the night cling to them a while longer while they sat on the balcony of Ioan’s house, overlooking that perpetually lilac-scented yard, and talked. They talked of the party, of the modern house on the prairie, of Dear and the contradiction of formal intensity and playfulness that it seemed to embody. The conversation wound down, and then the two sat in silence. It did not seem time yet to snap sobriety into being.</p>
<p>It had taken Ioan a few days to get used to the skunk’s affectionate nature. When she first moved in as the intensity of the project began to ramp up, it had taken em by surprised, and ey had needed to have a series of awkward conversations discussing boundaries and intentions.</p>
<p>Now, as she slouched against eir side on that bench swing and ey settled eir arm around her, he asked, “What is the story behind your fork? Or your stanza?”</p>
<p>“Well, Dear said that it and Serene were forked when Praiseworthy wanted to explore an interest in instances and sims. Is there something like that which led to…to whatever your down-tree instance is forking?” Ey supposed that, were ey sober, ey might have better luck dredging up the lines from the stanza. Something about true names and god.</p>
<p>May Then My Name shrugged, shoulder shifting against Ioan’s side. “In the early days, I — Michelle, that is — did not have much direction to her forking. Forks were created at need essentially to handle the increased workload.”</p>
<p>“Were the early days busy?”</p>
<p>“Very busy. We were one of the first, you know, and there were a lot of details that needed to be seen to before this place became what it is today.”</p>
<p>Ioan nodded. “Dear said that Michelle had campaigned to include sensoria in the system.”</p>
<p>“Yes, though that word is something of an elision that has become shorthand for experiences rather than thoughts.” Her voice was soft, though it still held the careful articulation of one who has realized that they are not sober. “We were not beings of pure thought, there were still experiences, but there was no guarantee that they would be shared. It was chaotic, as you might imagine from a set of unique individuals trying to dream the same dream.</p>
<p>“This was back in the early days, you understand, before the System had become a dumping ground for the world’s excess population. We were all starry-eyed dreamers, and so were the phys-side </p>
<p>Page generated on 2021-08-20</p>
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