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<title>Zk | Textual Grieving</title>
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<h1>Zk | Textual Grieving</h1>
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* three column table: sender, text, num days after start date
* macros: mk for Michael K., jm for Jace Macallan, number by days to turn into actual dates later (day 1 = Nov 11 2015)
* emojis: https://afeld.github.io/emoji-css/</p>
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<p>Act 1:
* Two teens dating online - Jace (Jason) and Michael
* One thinks they&rsquo;re trans
* Thinks folks find out, commits suicide - discovered soon enough that lands in hospital for a week or so, other finds out by calling parents</p>
<h2 id="2017-03-06">2017-03-06</h2>
<div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code><span class="err">Michael K.: 🆗🆒</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: lol whats that supposed to mean</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Come on. OK and Cool. Right?</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: i get that</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: not disputing the fact of ok and cool</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: just saying you&#39;re a dork</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Dork, huh? I&#39;ll dispute that.</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: i&#39;ll dispute you</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: I&#39;ll dispute your face</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: classy, mikey</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: you&#39;re really showing your maturity</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: One year ahead of you, haha 😂</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: trust me, the view&#39;s great back here</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Spicy 😉</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: you&#39;re not helping your case here</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Haha, fine. I&#39;ll admit that I&#39;m a dork.</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: 🙂</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: love you, dork</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Love you too 😘</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: So how was class?</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: lame</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Lame how?</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: I mean, you always say lame, but how?</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: lol</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: just lame</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: teachers are assholes, students are assholes</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: i hate it</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Yeah, me too</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Anyone being an asshole to you?</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: feels like everyone is lol</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Seriously?</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: hmm</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: no, guess not</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: just not a good place</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: not good people</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: kids are awful. can&#39;t wait until i&#39;m not one</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Haha, you&#39;re not a kid, really.</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: More grown up than me, at least.</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: that&#39;s not hard, you know</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: 😝</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Seriously, though. Anyone gives you trouble, you tell them your boyfriend will kick their asses.</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: lol</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: i can&#39;t tell anyone that, and you know it</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Yeah, sorry.</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Still...</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: I&#39;d totally kick their asses.</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: 🙂</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: you&#39;re sweet for a dork</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Thanks 😂</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Besides, I might need you to return the favor some day. I know some assholes around here who need their asses kicked</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: lol! and your girlfriend&#39;s the one to do it?</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Hell yeah.</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: My girlfriend can beat me up!</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: They&#39;d be terrified of you.</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: oh god please don&#39;t tell them about me</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: please don&#39;t, mikey</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: I didn&#39;t, I promise.</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Sorry, didn&#39;t mean to worry you.</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: You okay?</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: yeah</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: you promise, though?</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: pinky swear?</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Promise.</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Pinky swear.</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Didn&#39;t mean to upset you.</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: it&#39;s 🆗🆒</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: did I do that right?</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Haha, not quite, but I&#39;ll accept it.</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: still a dork</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Thanks 😝</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: No one at school knows, though. promise.</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Mom and dad know.</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: * know that I&#39;m dating, not who</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: yeah, good</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: I still want to brag about you though 🙂</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: I know 😝</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: just don&#39;t</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: you can be out</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: at least there</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: i can&#39;t do that here</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: or anywhere</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: I know.</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: I wish you could.</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Still think your parents would shit a brick?</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: mom would be fine</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: dad would just shit a whole building</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Haha 😂</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: I hope it&#39;s not a big one.</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: it would be</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: it would be the brick factory</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: he got home, gotta go</span>
<span class="err">jace macallan: dinner, bbl</span>
<span class="err">Michael K.: Okay. Hopefully no bricks for dinner.</span>
<h2 id="2017-03-07">2017-03-07</h2>
<div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code><span class="c">-jm: hey</span>
<span class="c">-jm: hey jerk</span>
<span class="c">-mk: Jerk? Why? 😝</span>
<span class="c">-jm: you didn&#39;t respond, that&#39;s why</span>
<span class="c">-mk: For fifteen minutes!</span>
<span class="c">-mk: Jeez 🙂</span>
<span class="c">-jm: lol it&#39;s fine</span>
<span class="c">-mk: Suuuure 😂</span>
<span class="c">-jm: just being goofy</span>
<span class="c">-mk: Oh, like that Disney dog character?</span>
<span class="c">-jm: no 😝</span>
<span class="c">-jm: just had a good day</span>
<span class="c">-jm: so I&#39;m feeling good</span>
<p>Act 2:</p>
<li>Remaining teen grieves by leaving messages like journal entries through IMs</li>
<li>Goes through many of the classical stages of grief - Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression</li>
<li>Talks to own parents, calls other&rsquo;s parents once or twice</li>
<li>Parents find log/conversation at one point, suggest therapy, therapist suggests continuing.</li>
<p>Act 3:</p>
<li>Remaining teen learns to accept the loss</li>
<li>Starts dating again - guilt over replacing relationship, but finds a way to work with that, too</li>
<li>Ends with needing to let go of the dead, decides to delete the chat</li>
<p>Page generated on 2020-06-24</p>
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