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%title The Manifesto Project launched
%date 2010-05-15 02:16:55
<p>The Manifesto Project, my most recent service project, just launched over at <a href="http://manifesto.mjs-svc.com" target="_blank">http://manifesto.mjs-svc.com</a> The goal of the project is to provide a place for people to write down their ideas on their own beliefs and faiths in order to sort their ideas out into words. The idea stemmed from my own problems in articulating what I believed, and I found that the more I wrote, the easier it was for me to define my thoughts.</p>
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<!-- AddThis Button END --><p><a href="http://blag.drab-makyo.com/2010/05/14/the-manifesto-project-launched/#more-8">Read the rest of this entry »</a></p><p style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 3px;"><strong>Originally published at <a href="http://blag.drab-makyo.com/2010/05/14/the-manifesto-project-launched/">Drab Makyo - How Dull</a>. Please leave any <a href="http://blag.drab-makyo.com/2010/05/14/the-manifesto-project-launched/#comments">comments</a> there.</strong></p>