
679 B

%title Damn computer ate my post. %date 2005-03-19 19:29:23 :diary:livejournal:fossils:

Shannon: My mom was unhappy with your proposal to get tickets together. Had to get my own

Here's my flight information, though There: United Airlines flight 476 July 7th to Philadelphia at 8:04 AM Seat 14A Back: United Airlines flight 7126 July 11th to Washington, DC at 7:20 PM Seat 01A United Airlines flight 933 to Denver at 9:45 PM Seat 11F

Sorry things didn't work out. Also, Jerred can't do anything, so I'm going to my dad's

Rikoshi: We should talk about rooming soon, huh :o) I can afford nearly anything, but I'd prefer to split it into a triple or quad if possible.