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%title Freak with a camera. %date 2007-11-14 05:29:37 :diary:livejournal:fossils:
![Korean Folk Village, Seoul, South Korea](http://makyo.drab-makyo.com/freakwithacamera.jpg)
What is the name of your fursona? Makyo
Where did the name of your Fursona come from? Makyo are illusions that distract from the path to enlightenment. How dull.
What species is your fursona and why did you choose that species? Arctic fox - because they lick rocks. And because they're quite fluffy.
What color is your fursona and why? Hair/fur/eyes/etc ...white? Blue in the summer months.
What is your fursona's personality and how does this compare to your irl personality? Maybe a little freer with words than I am in person.. pretty similar other than that.
What is one item your fursona owns that is significant to you irl? The suit. I want it. I would wear it.
What is one thing you think you would say to your fursona if you could meet? "Hey, buddy, spare a dollar?"
What is one thing your fursona would say to you if you could meet? "GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE." (bonus points of you get it)
How has your fursona changed over the years? Well, for one, he's only been around for a year or so. I guess he's grown up some.
How long have you had this fursona? I dunno.. about a year, I guess. In a more general sense, since about 2000.
Would you like to be more like your fursona? If only I could be so dapper!