<p>It came to $59.50, and I put $60 in the bank, giving me $62 to play with. However, I was informed that they did not include tax for some reason, so I don't know if I have enough.</p>
<p>Also also, roommate moved in. He's tolerable, I guess. Maybe.</p>
<p>Also also also, I gave Gabe and Kent each a copy of Stanzas (the MIDI of which I'll post soon) to look at and discussed some more about the composers forum idea we had. Apparently, they used to have a guest composer come each year and some famous ones came. There was posited the idea of having a Composers Festival which would feature a famous composer. It would work like this: First night - a choir concert, standard, except featuring a piece done by the feature composer; second night - same thing for band; third night - composers concert, using pieces by the feature composer as well as by the New Composers Forum (or whatever we plan on calling it - I gotta admit, I like the acronym NCF). Anyway, it's an idea. I'm gonna set up my box as a server and put a forum on it to get things rolling for next year when we get the NCF (or whatever) rolling</p>