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<title>Zk | An extension, and today.</title>
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<h1>Zk | An extension, and today.</h1>
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<p>Okay, so last night. There had been a rather terse conversation between Michael ('Mikey' is cool, but I really like Michael ^^) previously, and we decided talking in person would be better. Since neither of us wanted to really drive to the other's town, we decided to meet up in Sa-kun's. We agreed on Caffe Luna, which, when we arrived, we discovered had closed some hours previously.</p>
<p>We had an interesting discussion while there. I lamented on the fact that I seem to really suck at talking, and ended up talking about that for about 45 minutes ( :oP ). The topic drifted to random things, such as genetic disorders, polygamy, and goats (honestly). Then there was a good 15 minutes of random noises and scaring Longmont denizens. This was followed by more talking and some canoodling up until the time we both had to get going, none the more caffeinated.</p>
<p>Of the interesting topics that popped up, that of polygamy stuck with me the most. Michael has a date with another on Thursday and, while this brought up issues with Merlin and Atrius, all I can say right now to Michael is that I wish him the best of luck. It just feels like it would actually <b>work</b> in his case. As to how it pertains to me, I'm not sure if my mind could handle having two mates. Granted I still have a thing for Kory (hah, good luck with that) and a few others, I just don't think I could find another who a) would be willing to have that sort of relationship with me and b) I could have that sort of relationship with. Ah well. Something to think about.</p>
<p>Today, Ryan spoke to me of a dream about me sleeping and him floating, and of him going Todash before he slept (I know it doesn't <em>quite</em> fit, but todash seems like a good word for projection). The topic was brought up again later during passing period before seventh. I mentioned some stuff about my self-induced Self-lag, as well as the non-intentional incedents, such as quite a few times in the senior parking lot right before I cross over the concrete median that divides the lot from the bus chute. It'd be interesting to have the site investigated - doused, maybe - just to see what's there.</p>
<p>Kiran was leaking emotions today in bio. They're his, so I shan't share much about them, but needless to say, I was picking up on them. I can shield, but empathy's such a curious feeling; I'd like to learn to control it better, instead of just picking up on the odd (fairly intense) bits. There was a point near the beginning of the class when I ended up shutting my eye on the side nearest to Kiran 'cause I was picking up on it so strongly. Don't you dare appologize, Kiran; God knows I have my own problems, and I don't mean to objectify yours so, it's just that the experience itself was of note.</p>
<p>After school, I went to the officers' meeting and picked up some ideas for the choir video. I'm gonna put a box in the choir room for people to put the pictures they want to donate, as well as any suggestions for songs they have. So far, we've got a really short choir video, with the picnic, a few from extravaganza, and a WHOLE BUNCH from All-State. Must work on this weeknights as well as weekends. Monday, Thursday, and Friday would be good days; Tuesday's at my dad's, and Wednesday is OASOS.</p>
<p>Speaking of, Shannon got stabbed in the forehead, so I read. I was half amused and half concerned by the story. It was funny, but when you name your S.I. instruments, I find it kind of disconcerting. Shall have to 'HUG MY DUCKY' (heh).</p>
<p>Today, I got my Azumaga Daioh, my Whitacre CD (<em>LOVE</em> Whitacre's When David Heard is the first song that made me cry just by listening to it - I cried while singing Mozart's Requiem, and nearly did during part of Vivaldi's Gloria, but that's something different), and the book Sweetwater by Lawrence Yep, a favorite book from elementary school. It's surprising how good some children's literature really is. Star Luck should be coming soon. Yay, ALibris.com</p>
<p>I believe that's all. I shan't be sleeping much tonight, so I may update further if struck by something hard enough to knock me over</p>
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